Library Shelf


Residents of our home have adored using our cosy library. Our library is a wonderful place to unwind and read a favourite or new book. We highly urge all residents to take advantage of the library space available to them at any time in order to reap the many benefits of reading, such as escapism to stress reduction, better sleep, and improved memory.

We also encourage our residents to read in groups or have our staff read to them to enable residents to use their imaginations while also providing conversation starters between residents.

Something For Everyone

Our library aims to appeal to a wide spectrum of readers by including popular classics like ‘Wuthering Heights’ as well as more modern literature. Whatever genre our people enjoy, we are confident that something on the shelves will pique their interest. Our book selection is regularly updated and expanded, ensuring that even our most loyal customers will always find something new to appreciate.

Resident Reading a Book
Library Shelf

High Standards of Comprehensive Care

At our care home in Ayr, we take great pride in providing a wide variety of care services catered to different health needs. We firmly believe that every resident should have access to outstanding care, along with the opportunity to pursue their interests, hobbies, and the chance to form new friendships.