Backyard Ho-Down

Templeton House would like to say a big thank you to the team, residents and family and friends for making our first annual garden party such a big success. The sun was shining and everyone was smiling and having lots of fun.
A range of ages got together to join in on the joyous occasion. Lots of participants went all out and dressed up in their best fancy dress which was brilliant to see.
We enjoyed an afternoon with entertainment from The Music Lady as Dolly Parton, dog act from Maggie’s Muddy Mutts and acts from team. There was also a selection of stalls with the residents “the Deadwood Dames” making items which they sold on the day. Mamie and Jean were the residents on the stall. Everyone enjoyed a selection of delicious BBQ food and beverages.

We managed to raise a huge £1243 that will towards an interactive table that we look forward to owning and using at our home. The interactive table will provide countless apps that enable residents to play games, participate in quizzes or brain training, draw, browse the web and enjoy video calls on a big screen.
As the event was a huge success, we can't wait to host the next annual garden party. To find out more about what we get up to at Templeton House, do not hesitate to contact a staff member who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.