Resident Flipping Pancakes

Shrove Tuesday at Templeton House

We celebrate every occasion no matter how big or small here at Templeton Care Home. Residents had lots of fun on Shrove Tuesday flipping their pancakes before decorating them with a topping of their choice and enjoying.

Shrove Tuesday at Templeton House Care Home

Residents had a choice of strawberry and chocolate sauce, golden syrup, bananas and strawberries to balance out the sweetness. Residents specifically enjoyed the crepe style pancake which is a traditional pancake made in the UK for Pancake Day (and this one you can flip easily).

We look forward to decorating our home and creating themed activities for special days and occasions. This enables residents to continue with their traditions, routines and always have something to look forward to.

From Easter to Halloween, to Christmas and all the days in between, there are so many engaging activities on the agenda created by our fantastic Activities Coordinators. We find any excuse to decorate the home and for residents to socialise with others in an engaging environment.

If you are interested in learning more about what we get up to at Templeton Care Home, contact our team who will gladly answer your questions.

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